中文 English

(1) A 20% discount on the first order for new customers (for English editing, writing,and academic translation services).

(2) Pre-deposit offers: one-time pre-deposit 6000~15999 RMB, get 10% more; one-time pre-deposit 16000~25999 RMB, get 15% more; one-time pre-deposit morethan 26000 RMB, get 20% more.

(3) Referral rewards: If you recommend your colleagues or friends to us and he/she successfully places an order, we will give you certain rewards.

(4) Institutional discounts: FCE welcomes institutional or group customers to sign strategic cooperation agreements with us, which will provide a variety of preferential plans.

Payment methods



Corporate account

Account Name: 北京壹选文化传媒有限公司

Account No.: 0200098109020309576

Bank of deposit: 中国工商银行北京亚运村支行

PayPal 账户:fcediting@outlook.com

About receipts

We can provide a variety of regular receipts and invoices according to your needs, such as editing fee, proofreading fee, translation fee, layout fee, consulting fee, typesetting design fee, etc. For long-term customers, we can provide the receipt before receiving payment.

Contact us
  • 010-56883920
  • Address: 510, Tiantong Building 43, Changping District, Beijing
  • Email:fcediting@outlook.com
  • Customer Service QQ:3505881042